Creating & Publishing FHIR Packages

First, create a package...

There are lots of tools out there to create the artifacts in your package. Many packages are used to encapsulate FHIR Implementation Guides. But no matter how you do it, once you have a directory of FHIR artifact files, you can create a package in a few different ways:

  • Use IGPublisher, the official publisher CLI from HL7
  • Use Firely's to package up your FHIR project
  • DIY: Create a gzip compressed tarball with files and a package.json file following the spec.

Then, publish your package...

Again, you have some options:

  • Any balloted HL7 IG will have its package published in the HL7 feeds.
  • Any package created on will be published via their package feed.
  • DIY: Create your own package feed and add it to the list of package feeds:
    • Create an RSS feed (template at
    • Register the package feed in (by making a GitHub Pull Request. The package server will regularly check the RSS feed for new packages.

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